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2021 – 2022 Annual Report

Chairman’s Annual Report2021 - 2022   Corona Virus and Hall Closure The Corona-95 Virus impacted greatly on the activities during and post the lockdown period ordered to limit the spread of the epidemic covering the opening period of this report.  The year under...

2020 – 2021 Annual Report

CHAIRMAN’S ANNUAL REPORT2020 - 2021 Due to Covid epidemic restrictions, the hall has remained closed from 13th March 2020 and is still closed at the time of this AGM (24th May 2021) having only been used for public voting on 6th May 2021 under the governance of the...

2019 – 2020 Annual Report

Chairman’s’ Annual Report2019 to 2020 The year 2019 to 2020 has seen Caston Village Hall continually feature prominently in the social life of Caston.  It is used by many local clubs and events, WI, children’s’ parties, entertainment, whist drives, wakes and weddings,...

2018 – 2019 Annual Report

Chairman’s Annual Report 2018 – 2019   The hall continues to be a very valuable facility which is central to many village activities and contributes to community spirit.  Following the phase one refurbishment of the Hall, as reported last year, there have been...

2017 – 2018 Annual Report

Caston Village Hall Charitable Trust Chairman’s Annual Report – Thursday 2nd June 2018 2017 – 2018 Clearly the highlight of the year has been the commencement of the long-awaited refurbishment of the hall structure.  Work eventually started on part of the plan on 19th...

2016 – 2017 Annual Report

Caston Village Hall Chairman’s Annual Report 2016 to 2017 Caston Village Hall has continued to be at the centre for much of Caston’s social and other activities.  The hall has continued to be the area’s election venue and is used by a diversity of clubs and...

2015 – 2016 Annual Report

CASTON VILLAGE HALL Chairman’s’ Annual Report 2015 to 2016 Once again during the year 2015 to 2016 has seen Caston Village Hall feature prominently in the social life of Caston.  It continues to be used by a diversity of clubs, WI, children’s’ parties, entertainment,...