Booking Secretary 01953 483 701

Booking the Hall

Please note that a booking form must always be completed for every booking as the forms contain a tick box where you confirm having read our:

  1. Terms and Conditions
  2. Child Protection Policy
  3. Privacy Policy
  4. Bar Policy

If paying by Bank Transfer, our bank details are:

Lloyds Bank Plc
Sort Code: 30 92 88
Account No. 34937768

This thereby ensures compliance with our insurance policy

Before you complete the appropriate form do check the diary to ensure the dates you want are available.  If in doubt then speak to the booking secretary who is always pleased to help.

Single Booking

If you wish to book the hall for a single one-off event then this is the form you need.

Complete the form and the booking secretary will be in touch.

Regular Booking

If you wish to book the hall for multiple regular events each week or each month then this is the form you need.  Complete the form and the booking secretary will be in touch.

Irregular Booking

If you wish to book the hall for multiple irregular events but want to make sure of your booking then this is the form you need.  Complete the form and the booking secretary will be in touch.