Regular Users
Caston Village Hall has many different uses and listed below are some of the regular users. If you would like to find out more about any of the users listed below you may click on their name which will take you to their web site if they have one or there is a contact name and telephone number where you can obtain more details.
Should you need more detail with regard to the hall itself then please call the booking secretary on 01953 488 495.
Caston Art Club
Established some years now, the Art Club operates from Caston Village Hall. It meets weekly every Monday at 2pm. Contact the Chairman Pat Fox on 01953 498 582
Established some years now, the Art Club operates from Caston Village Hall. It meets weekly every Monday at 2pm. Contact the Chairman Pat Fox on 01953 498 582
Women’s Institute
The W I meet every second Thursday of the month and welcomes new members. Further information is available from Margaret Brown on 01953 488 405
The W I meet every second Thursday of the month and welcomes new members. Further information is available from Margaret Brown on 01953 488 405
Take the time to relax with Yoga classes each week at the village hall – Contact June on 01953 498 343
Caston Parish Council
Caston Parish Council regularly hold their monthly meetings at the village hall.
Caston Parish Council regularly hold their monthly meetings at the village hall.
Stow Bedon & Breckles Parish Council
Stow Bedon & Breckles Parish Council are regular users of the village hall for their council meetings.
Stow Bedon & Breckles Parish Council are regular users of the village hall for their council meetings.