Hire Terms and Conditions
The Street, Caston, Attleborough NR17 1DD [THE “TRUST”]
The Hall is the building; fixtures and fittings and associated land situated in the Street, Caston, Attleborough NR17 1DD, known as Caston Village Hall [the “Hall”]
The Village Hall Committee [“Committee”] is the body responsible for the operation and management of the Hall.
The Hirer [“Hirer”] is any person or persons, club or organisation or other entity that is not under the supervision of the Committee, which hires the hall and/or the associated services.
The Booking Secretary is the person, or their deputy, appointed by the Committee to oversee the hiring of the Hall to the Hirer.
The Fee shall be the sum to be paid by the Hirer to the Committee for the use of the Hall and its facilities. The Deposit shall be an additional sum paid by the Hirer to the Committee as security against damage to the property or for failing to leave the premises in a clean and tidy condition.
Except for Hirers with regular multiple bookings in respect to which separate arrangements will be agreed with the Booking Secretary all Hire Fees are payable in advance at the time of making the booking by internet banking [preferred]; cash or Bank Payment [BACS]. Payments should be made to the Booking Secretary and in the case of the Deposit this must be made by cash or BACS payment [preferred] also to the Booking Secretary.
The Committee determines and publishes a Fee tariff which will apply, as appropriate, to each booking. The Fee tariff is reviewed at annual intervals as of each year and any changes thereto will be subject to the giving of two calendar months’ notice by the Committee to take effect as of 1 January. Should a Hirer cancel their booking less than two weeks prior to the hire date the Hirer shall be liable for payment of the Fee unless the Hall can be let to another hirer.
The Hall holds a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages, wines and spirits which is displayed in the Hall foyer. Any sale of alcohol on the premises must be supervised by the Hall Bar Manager, or his appointed deputy, to ensure that such sales comply with the licensing conditions. Hirers are not permitted to sell alcohol in the Hall. Hirers can pre-book the bar facility at the time of making their hall booking.
Hirer’s attention is drawn to the Fire notices displayed in the Hall.
The booking Secretary will ensure that the hirer is made aware of the action to be taken in the event of a fire [or Fire alarm activation] at the time of the hire.
The booking secretary will show the hirer the position of, Fire alarm detectors, the Fire Exits [and how they operate] and the Fire assembly point. Hirers should ensure that all users are made aware of these notices and of the actions to be taken in case of fire.
The Fire authorities have imposed a restriction on the maximum number of persons that may use the Hall at any one time. This number varies with the type of use. At no time shall more than 100 persons, including staff and helpers, be in the Hall at the same time. Exact limitations for the required activity should be discussed with the Booking Secretary prior to booking, as the permitted number of persons may be considerably less for certain activities.
Hooks have been provided at the top of the walls at several places around the main Hall interior just below the ceiling which can be used for decorations, banners and the like. No additional methods of securing [such as drawing pins, tacks, nails or adhesive] are to be used on the walls or ceiling. No modification or alteration is to be made to the electrical and plumbing systems and/or equipment. Hirers must leave the Hall in a clean and tidy condition and all refuse and rubbish removed upon completion of the hire. If this condition is not complied with, as
reasonably determined by the Committee, the cost of rectification will be deducted from the Deposit.
No gas bottles or naked flames [other than for reasonable use for birthday cake candles and the like] are to be used without express written permission of the Committee.
Upon completion of the hire, Hirers must ensure that all electrical appliances and lights are switched off.
The outside lighting will remain on for a short while provided the applicable instructions are followed. These instructions are mounted adjacent to the exterior light switches.
Hirers must also ensure that all wash basin and kitchen sink water taps are turned off and plugs are removed from the basin drains prior to leaving. The kitchen sink is fitted with an additional tap that provides instant boiling water if it is turned on at the appropriate marked switch. Great care to be taken when using this facility to avoid scalding and Hirers must familiarise themselves with the operating method of this facility before use. Instruction available from the Booking Secretary.
The Deposit shall be returned to the Hirer after the event provided the hall is left in proper condition as referenced in this clause.
Hirers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Committee against all and any damage to the Hall, its fixtures and fittings and contents and death or injury to any persons arising from the Hirers use of the Hall howsoever caused.
Hirers must have the necessary insurance in place to cover their activities whilst using the Hall.
Hirers are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions or licences that may be required for their activities. Hirers are also responsible for ensuring all statutory regulations covering their activities are observed, including regulations applying to the prohibition of smoking,
employment, health and safety and access for physically or mentally handicapped persons, as may be applicable to the Hirers activity, whilst at the Hall.
The Committee has Health and Safety and Safeguarding policies which must be strictly observed.
Details of both can be obtained from the Booking Secretary and are available online under the booking section of the Hall website https://www.castonvillagehall.co.uk/bookingform
In the unlikely event that the hall is unable to fulfil a confirmed booking, for whatever reason, then the liability of the Committee shall be limited to a full refund of the fee for the period of the booking that the Hall is not available.
The cost of electricity for lighting is included in the hire fee.
A slot meter is provided for the supply of electricity required for space heating. The meter requires £1 or £2 coins.
Unless otherwise agreed, all communications are to be addressed to the Booking Secretary. Any
clarification required in respect of these Terms and Conditions should also be directed to the Booking Secretary.
Further information can be found on the Caston Village Hall website at:
The Caston Village Hall Management Committee. December 2024 On behalf of Caston Village Hall Charitable Trust [Charity Number 1164836]